Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I May Have Drunk the Kool-Aid.

You can watch the original "Yes, We Can" speech (Obama's speech upon coming in second in New Hampshire) here:

And it's good. But then Will.I.Am from the Black-Eyed Peas made a music video from it. I stayed up last night, watching the NH speech, and then watching the music video, and then shivering and googling and trying to figure out how I can write more beautifully, speak more powerfully, and be a good citizen. In any case, it's all beautiful (I've heard now two or three Republican white men praise it, too), and if you haven't seen these, you should.

I wish I had written the Pledge of Allegiance; I wish I had written this.

Note: I realize that calling for change itself is foolhardy. As one snarky commenter on the youtube site wrote: "Change? From what? To what?" A worthy point. But that is where our processes come in, yes? Debate, representation, discussion, compromise, enaction, enforcement, refinement, and more voters to the booths. Also, the man who wrote this is named Jon Favreau; he is Obama's chief speechwriter, and he is 26 years old.


Anonymous said...

I saw this video a few weeks ago and I've running it through my mind over and over since.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I just realized that your title is a shoutout to the Jonestown Massacre. FYI, according to Wikipedia, they drank Flavor-aid (slightly different than kool-aid). It was grape flavor. Your mind is too complex for me, Sarah, I require a second view to catch your details!!

Melissa said...

That NYT piece was fascinating. I also really like this video. There are certain benefits to having so many celebrity backers.

Rebecca Smylie said...

Sarah--in response. Let me point out that you'd get more comments if you posted more regularly. I all but forget to check on you. But when I do, and there's been a flurry of blogging activity (SO MANY NEW POSTS!)it's like the world makes sense again. Onward.