It involved:
- the birthday of Reija!
- grading 28 3000-word term papers
- some sleep
- a rock-paper-scissors tournament (best two of three) that I lost, alas
- making and helping to decorate approx. 60 cupcakes and 60 miniature cupcakes
- Melville's hosting of a one-hour cupcake/birthday party for Reija, with lovely guests and tulip-ed/tiered cupcake display
- missing the Friday midnight deadline for my journal work
- some sleep
- a Saturday (early) morning
temple session with roommates
- a breakfast at Southern Kitchen with roommates, at which we all ordered biscuits and gravy and the original hot chocolate with sprinkles (among other things)
- getting an extension on my journal work (blessed ABCW)
- a lovely trip to the park
- realizing that our friends hiking in Yosemite were going to be late to visit us
- beginning to copyedit and bluebook four journal articles (approximately 200 pages of legal academic text)
- temporarily "stealing" three folding tables and sixteen folding chairs from the institute (thank you, thank you, BC and JS)
- realizing that our friends hiking/backpacking in Yosemite still hadn't contacted us and were going to be really late visiting us
- calling the park rangers at Yosemite
- a late-night Saturday trip to Safeway, in which, as expected, I saw other Mormons (in this case, three)
- some sleep
- Easter!
- the birthday of Michelle!
- a lovely birthday morning for Michelle
- calling the mothers of our friends missing in Yosemite
- teaching Relief Society about fruit (fruit in the scriptures/fruits of the gospel/Christ as "firstfruits") with the help of Ashli, our resident sage/arborist
- exchanging phone calls with the park rangers at Yosemite, as they found our friends' car and began to make flyers and search plans
- making 10 lbs of mashed potatoes, 16 cups of apple juice-rosemary-cream chicken gravy, 12 lbs of chicken, one pan of roasted garlic cauliflower
- finally hearing from the missing friends (no longer missing!), who'd gotten lost in the ice and snow and who'd fallen down an icy mountain but were, in all long-term ways, fine
- overseeing the making of 5 lbs of sweet potatoes, fruit trays, tomato wedges, 2
lbs of asparagus
- eating the most unbelievable oatmeal-date scones
- eating such beautiful torte-type desserts and pear-ginger pie
- chatting with such delightful people
- 100% avoiding doing the dishes (thanks, JW and BC and KT)
- a trip to Emeryville to rescue a returned (and tired) hiker
- a late-night tour of campus and Palm Drive
- some sleep
- a breakfast of more scones, bananas, English muffins
- the beautiful half-shade of a Palo Alto morning
- a rock-paper-scissors tournament (best two of three in best three out of five) that I totally won
- lunch for four from Pluto's
- a lovely, perfect trip to the park
- some experimental explorations with Woody, a plastic figurine with a parachute
- a night tour of campus
- a failed trip to The Counter
- a typically marginally successful trip to Wahoo's
- a typically mad rush to the airport
- eating in a booth (man, I love booths)
- some wrong turns back to the parking lot
- a midnight return to Melville
- missing even the extended deadline for my journal work
- some sleep
- a 4:30 am wake-up to finish my journal bluebooking and copyediting
- the grading of 156 finals (well, only two questions of the final)
- the giving of 28 final grades
- meeting my noon grading deadline (thank goodness)
- more trying to finish my journal bluebooking and copyediting
- a lunch of leftovers (such great leftovers)
- more trying to finish my journal bluebooking and copyediting
- a dinner of leftovers (SUCH great leftovers)
- super fast and wild packing
- a late-night trip to the airport (ah, RM and JW--thank you)
- some practice flirting with the ticket agent, who told me he would "work [his] magic" to get me out of a middle seat
- unexpectedly landing in an empty row on a 100% full plane (note: practice flirting may have paid off)
- finishing my journal bluebooking and copyediting at 1 am, PDT, approximately 30,000 feet over the earth
- stretching out on my empty row and, with coat as cover, getting some sleep
- an early am arrival in NY
- hugging my cute and late-to-school family
- an early am uploading of my journal bluebooking and copyediting (finally, finally, unbelievably done!) (ish)
- and then, Wednesday morning, finally, some recuperative, happy, post-end-of-quarter sleep in my sister Rachel's soft and brightly colored bed.
1 comment:
SLO--the plane wasn't 100% full if you had empty seats next to you. And I LOVED seeing you yesterday. Looking forward to everything...
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