An impromptu dessert made for the birthday of one Jeff S., during a recent spur-of-the-moment, whirlwind weekend in Rochester. Ingredients: one half-gallon of vanilla bean ice cream; one half-gallon of chocolate ice cream; one layer of homemade whipped cream with lemon zest; fresh mango, blackberries, and raspberries; shredded coconut; and tall skinny candles that turned out to be almost impossible to blow out. Can I tell you the truth? It was amazing. We were all surprised.

The remains of a short kayaking adventure in the Chesapeake Bay, had as the capstone outing to a perfect Memorial Day weekend spent lounging around a house on the water with friends. In real life, the sores are pretty dramatic. And liquidy. (Are my hands really that sissy? I need to get out more.) But no regrets. The weekend was perfect.
That dessert looks spectacular.
I found you on the Apron Stage. And let me say that you make Mondays something to look forward to. I giggle, I contemplate, I admire your posts. But even more than that, everything you write I wish I had written. It's just all so darn clever!
So thank you for sharing your wit with a college girl who finds true appreication in a blog post with-of all things-timing.
That dessert was spectacular! Thanks, SO.
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