My roommate Wendy made mention the other day of this possibility: you make microwave popcorn and then you cover it with something. She suggested cinnamon and sugar. Then she said something about almond joy (melted chocolate, coconut, and almonds).
So tonight, I didn't go running, even though I'm nearing the end of the Year of 100 Runs.* (And even though I changed from my work clothes into my running clothes, to make it more than a de minimis chance that I'd actually head out.) (No go.) And I didn't do any work. (Nothing billable, at least.) I didn't even leave the house once I got in (except a trip to el garbage can).
INSTEAD I made myself some pop-o-corn, covered it with melty chocolate chips and hot and crunchy peanut butter, and then ate it. With a spoon.
* The Year of 100 Runs has been my goal for 2008. I have to run 100 times between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008. Each run has to be at least 20 minutes long, and if I want to count two in a day, then each of those runs has to be 30 minutes long. We're at Dec. 17, and though I'm behind (I pretty much have to run every non-Sabbath day between now and New Year's), I've never had to do a two-a-day. Which I've just decided is success, too.
Hey. Read a poem that's almost exactly like this blog post by Elizabeth Alexander, the poet who will be reading at President Obama's inauguration: http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/16188. Turns out, she's good.
Hey, Love that you have a blog!
We do to, but it's private. If you'd like a peek just email me or Steve and we'll invite ya!
BTW...that popcorn looks super yummy! And the almond joy popcorn sounds great too! We'll have to try them since Steve loves Almond Joys!
Love ya! -Camille
How do you take these pictures? I always cut off part of my head when taking photos of myself. You are so talented:) And bravo with the 100 runs goal.
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