Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Tapering off.

I wanted to post again, to say something calming after the weekends described in my last two posts. Things have calmed down substantially in my world, back to pre-Spring levels. Maybe even calmer than that. Today Michelle and I watched three movies. (We felt justified because she's on Spring break. I decided to live vicariously through her.)

We watched:
  • Say Anything
  • A classic Michelle had never seen. My favorite part remains the "If you were Diane Court, would you go for Lloyd Dobbler?" moment, but a new favorite is the scare quotes Diane uses when she tells Lloyd she loves him for the first time. "I love you." "What is that?" he says. "You're talking like that girl Sheila." It's so great.
  • Benny & Joon
  • Michelle kept wondering, "Do you think Mary Stuart Masterson goes around thinking, 'I kissed Johnny Depp'?" I kept thinking, "Aidan Quinn is so good looking. Where did he go?"
  • The Scarlet Pimpernel
  • A Hayes family classic, apparently. Sink me, it's a charming movie. With such amazing (and amazingly heavy-looking) wigs.
And Michelle made chocolate-chip cookies for lunch. And I didn't even get out of my pajamas, until it was time for institute choir.

(But, for the concerned parents out there who may be reading, I did do laundry and I did run to the institute for choir tonight and I did pack for my little trip to Utah this weekend. Productive things, all.)

In short: Rest assured, world. I am lazing about.


kt said...

such good films, all =) I wish I could have joined you... I miss Melville.

Jacki said...

Your little trip to Utah this weekend??? For conference? I live five blocks from the conference center...