2. I put a lot of other things in my chicken-broccoli-rice casserole (garlic salt, kosher salt, peppercorn medly, marjoram, basil, parmesan cheese, crushed whole wheat saltines, cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese, cream of chicken soup, cream cheese, minced garlic, rice, broccoli, chicken), but I didn't put onions in. No onions. We didn't have any onions.
3. I didn't, in any meaningful way, follow a recipe for my c-b-r casserole.
4. Nevertheless, I served my casserole to people other than myself.
5. I didn't bring a sweater with me to the ward dessert potluck tonight, despite being pretty sure it was going to be chilly. Which it was.
6. I wore giant (GIANT) yellow-and-gold flower earrings all day.

7. I didn't watch Dan in Real Life again.
8. I provided, moderately recommended, and didn't stop some friends and myself from watching Shooting Fish (a circa 1998 British romantic comedy starring Kate Beckinsale before she sold out with Pearl Harbor but after she peaked with Cold Comfort Farm), which, it turns out, is less "vaguely charming" (how I described it) and more underwhelming and plot-spotty than I had remembered (I first and last watched it sometime in 2001)--all when I could have been watching Dan in Real Life again.

9. I made a comment in a packed and particularly spiritual Sunday School class in which I explicitly said that perhaps a possible way I could stop a friend from making a poor religious/moral decision was by "punching her in the face." Also, my convert friend Sarah's non-LDS mother was there. Her mother literally applauded when, much later, a guy in the class said that perhaps we should accept people for who they are and stop being self-righteous and be more like the Savior. Also a possibility (though I want to point out that I'm trying these days to make sense of the crazy important commandment to really, honestly, heartfully love people and the commandment to stand for truth and righteousness, which sometimes seem to complicate each other).
10. I stayed up late (it's 12:31 am), I spent more time cooking today than I did reading my scriptures, and I didn't call my mother.
Mom, Dad--happy Sabbath. I love you. We should talk soon.
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