The short answer is it went fine. No stories.
But because I am me, and I love stories, I will also give you the long answer, which is, at the moment, in bulleted form.
This is how it went today:
- Woke up around 4:15 am because I was hot (and because Anika was trying to quiet Ellie, who woke up because she was on the opposite side of the bedroom we're sharing with seven and cold--too close to the AC)
- Dozed nervously/restlessly until 5 am
- Showered, had a father's blessing, heard my mother use the word "discombobulating" in her blessing over my breakfast (in a reference to the bar exam--as in, "Please help Sarah to feel at peace during this exam that they engineer to be so discombobulating"), ate cereal with skim milk that may or may not have been sour
- Caught the 6:32 am train to Penn Station
- Reviewed Evan's five-years-old condensed outline on the train
- Was asked by a woman sitting behind me, "Last-minute studying?" I smiled. She said, "I figured if it isn't in me by now, it isn't in me." I smiled again, maybe sheepishly. I went back to studying.
- Joined a posse of laptop-carrying recent law grads, marching the four blocks from Penn Station to the Javits Center
- Considered that if this posse was crossed, there's a high probability that we'd either snap, cry, or file timely actions pled with particularity
- Saw a man in a Columbia Law shirt that (a) I didn't know but (b) I thought looked Mormon
- Unceremoniously chucked Evan's outline in a garbage can outside the Javits Center
- Waited in an virtually unmoving herd, like glass-eyed cattle, for over an hour, while Javits Center staff tried to put 3000 neon green wristbands on 3000 people and put them in 3000 individually assigned tables/chairs
- Wondered if NY really needs a yearly crop of so many new lawyers
- Overheard Columbia Law shirt man talking to a woman about Deseret News, KSL, and his time working for "the church" (I turned and said, "Are you Mormon?" "Yes," he said, unexcitedly. "I thought you were Mormon from the first time I saw you," I said. He said nothing. "I'm Mormon, too," I added. Turns out he knows Amanda and Dan.)
- Met my tablemate, Rosaria, a beautiful, dark-haired, smiley-faced woman, who speaks Italian (Italian?) to the people she knows around us. (They also speak Italian. (Italian?))
- Took part 1 of the NY bar exam
- Waited in line for the bathroom
- Paid a ridiculous sum for lunch, which I, of course, spilled on myself
- Chatted with the lovely Marin T.-B., one of my favorites from some of my favorite BYU days
- Waited in line for the bathroom
- Began part 2 of the NY bar exam
- Wish I knew when an easement by necessity is extinguished and how exactly it does (or does not) run with the land
- Finished part 2 of the NY bar exam, with less than a minute to spare
- Did not, as Rosaria pointed out, finish early enough to fall asleep before time was called (as I did, apparently, during the first session; it's my testing treat to myself--if I finish early, I get to fall asleep)
- Went to, but didn't wait in line for, the bathroom (!)
- Joined the throng of law students returning half-excitedly, half-dejectedly to Penn Station
- Took the 5:48 to Rosedale
- Was whisked away by Anika and Joseph to pick up Peter, newly arriving at JFK from his glamorous summer internting at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in Our Nation's Capital
- Joined the 4,000 people who seem to have congregated at our home (Mom, Dad, Anika, Joseph, Jacob, Peter, Rachel, Rebekah, Elin, Isaac, Andrew, Mr. Lipsky, and a host of Jacob/Rebekah's Dungeons & Dragons friends)
- Happily received Joseph and Anika's gifts of various kinds of "bars"--snack bars, a Cliff bar, a bar of soap, and two beautiful but unfortunately soap-tasting chocolate-covered pretzel bars
- Packed for Utah, which was daunting because I hate the possibility of leaving behind important stuff
- Watched some Colbert
- Laughed at some Colbert
- Packed for Utah, which turned out to go quickly because I was particularly good at adhering to my at-home-with-the-family rule of personal property (i.e. keep everything in one pile, in one corner, out of everyone's way; do not, under any circumstances, mix goods or leave them unattended or in plain view)
- Answered a knock on our front door at 10:30 pm, welcoming in a local boy scout and his father, come to certify a genealogy merit badge with my father at the only time their various schedules aligned
- Updated my blog
- Checked others' blogs
- Read el scriptures
- 11:30 (I'm hoping): Went to sleep in the bed I renegotiated from Ellie. She and Snika took my bed, and I took theirs. Across the room. Near the AC.
Tomorrow? Bar exam, parts 3 & 4 (the multi-state) and then, whisk zip, the family picks me up at the Javits, hands me my cellphone (which I can't bring with me to the testing center, which makes me feel free and sad), and zip whisk, we're off to Utah. Among other places.
This life?
You said it.